Friday, September 2, 2011


I have no idea what this means yet, but apparently the team I was in for the Pub Crawl last week won the competition!! I don't quite know how or why, there was a photo aspect to it so maybe ours were the best (one of our number did fall into the fountain so that may have pushed us over the edge [pun intended]).

In other news, I spent a good amount of time today at a Russian tavern called Kalinka, where I was able to try Borscht (beet soup, tasted a lot like vegetable soup to me), Pelmeenid (Russian dumplings in sour cream that kinda reminded me of hamburger helper :-P), and Bacon-wrapped pork filet with baked potatoes and mushroom sauce. Needless to say, it was a very good and hearty meal, and I regret that I did not think once to photograph what I was eating! I did snap some photos of the interesting interior, however.

This wasn't the interior of the Russian pub, this is outside a pub called "The Two Wildes." On the left is Oscar Wilde and on the right is Eduard Vilde, a famous Estonian.

The Bar was made of birch logs. Pretty cool.

It seemed like the art was very "hunterish," to coin a word.

Random seats.
UPDATE: Before I finished writing this blog post, one of our Pub Crawl Estonian group leaders told me that we had won a free "sauna" evening at Lauluväli. That should be fun! Here are some of the group pics we took (I tended to gravitate towards the back, as is my photo habit)

We didn't know who these people were, but we thought they were worth pointing out. One of our group decided to share his cider with them.

The stair shot.

We later found out you're not supposed to climb on the Main Building. It  was worth the photo, though!

Poor Mark fell into the fountain! Apparently that's one of the things that makes you a true Tartu student, though, so it's all good.
I may be going to see an Estonian Ska band (I'm just as confused as you are) so maybe I'll have more to report in the future! Head aega! ("so long" in Estonian, or close to it anyway).


  1. Just remember, you eat with your eyes first! And your mom is always hungry!! ;) Loving the pictures; looks like your Pub Crawl was fun. Glad you wore your stripey sweater so I can find you. Congratulations on your victory!! Love you!!

  2. That's pretty cool man! You look like you're really enjoying yourself in group pictures, which is awesome. Why do I recognize the name oscar Wilde?
