Tuesday, August 30, 2011

More fun in Estonia

So I suppose I've gotten "settled in" and totally used to the fact that Tartu is my new home for the next few months. It's still a bit surreal, and in many ways I still feel like a fish out of water, but it's also quite exciting. Classes officially started today, and while my cultural semiotics class was very dry I think my history of the baltic region should be a really neat class. Plus I finally put a face to the name Heiko Pääbo, the director of the ATLANTIS program at Tartu and the director of the Baltic Studies Program there.

The fourth WVU student in our group, Jess, made it in today, so hopefully we'll be able to celebrate soon. Today I ended up eating dinner at the Hesburger, located literally next to the walking bridge (really great location). I wasn't overly impressed. But I also went to a Tartu/Estonia souvenir shop, which was so impressive I took pictures (aren't you glad)!

So much amazing woodwork!

I just thought this was a nice display

This was the second floor loft of the Hesburger. So strange. It wasn't special but it wasn't bad. As a connoisseur of fast food (read: American) I am unimpressed :-P.

This should have been a lot earlier. It's a picture of me on the Helsinki-Tallinn ferry (that's Helsinki there in the back). I just now got this off my camera.

While I'm "photodumping" as the kids call it, I thought  I'd include this. It amused me. As seen in a pub in Estonia.

Unfortunately the weather turned pretty dismal today and I don't expect it to improve much from here out. But Tartu is still a very pretty city and I am still very much enjoying taking in all the sights.


  1. Take pics of your meals over there, please. :) Especially if you eat at messburger, or whatever it is. I'd like to see the food!! Thanks! Love, mom <3

  2. http://www.hesburger.com/food that's pretty much what the food looked like. I had a hesburger with fries :)

  3. I think I would prefer a She'sburger. Sounds like things are going relatively well:)
    I finally figured out how to leave you messages back, which is pretty exciting!
    I enjoy reading your poetic blogs:) keep them coming! ...oh and I DON'T have Facebook, so if you could post some of the scenery pics you mentioned in an earlier post that would be cool.
    Love you
