Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Trip to Tallinn and Arvo Pärt Concert

I guess I don't really update this enough. It felt like I just posted something here, and when I get back to check it turns out it's been almost a week! So, by request, here's another update that I've been meaning to make for a while.

On Sunday I took a bus ride to Tallinn and back to see a performance of the music of Arvo Pärt, a very famous and brilliant Estonian composer, accompanied by a fellow classical music lover named Andrea from Italy. Pärt basically writes modern sacred music for choir and orchestra. This is one of the pieces that was performed, except these were new arrangements that were very lush. They used a full strings section and winds and glockenspiels and it was really awesome. I particularly liked that there was also a group of Gregorian chanters, who were placed in the back upper level of the cathedral for added effect (did I mention that the concert was in a cathedral? another plus). It was something I was really hoping to do while I was over here, and I'm glad I can now check it off my list.

There was a small amount of time beforehand to actually check out the city of Tallinn, so of course we did. Tallinn is one of the oldest and most well-preserved medieval cities in Europe. I love anything medieval, so for me it was like Disney World. It's got a very nice atmosphere and the old stone walls and towers that surround the old town are very impressive. I only got to see the modern side on my last visit, which is considerably less awesome. Another fact worth mentioning is that Tallinn is the 2011 European Capital of Culture, so it's a good time to be here, I suppose.

Other than that, classes have been going well and I've been keeping busy with school work and things. The weather is still fallish and I've heard people say the snow doesn't get here until November, so until then it shouldn't be too much different from the weather at home. I do miss a lot of things about home, and of course a lot of people, but fortunately there's enough great things about being here to balance it out. And now comes the part where I post all the photos I've taken since my last entry. Here goes:

Some pictures of the Estonian countryside taken from the bus

Very cool medieval tower, called a kiek in de kok because they were good vantage points to peek into other people's kitchens.

more medieval goodness


More archery!

A very impressive wall

The Estonian parliament building

Awesome Russian orthodox church; too bad it was under construction

More cool towers

Streets of old town

There were lots of cool churches

Had to get a picture of this

Different styles of architecture

More streets of Old Town

The church where the concert was held

Capital of Culture signs

The "stage" for the performance

After the concert we found another one in the middle of town

They're really milking this capital of culture thing. These are literally "culture cookies" but they taste more like cheese biscuits.


  1. Wow! Your pictures are amazing!! Love looking at them, and reading your posts, of course!! I'm glad you got to experience the concert and the old part of town. You're a sucker for architecture, just like your mom and Papaw! (that's a good trait from both of us, which may be the only one you get!!) Truly am impressed with your pics; you have a keen eye and your angles are interesting. Keep up the good work! :) Love the cathedral "stage" pic! The shining light on the left makes it eX-specially spectacular!!! Love and miss you!!! :)

  2. Sorry I haven't logged on before now. Blogs are banned from the military server at work, so I will have to borrow your mom's computer to keep up. It looks like you're having a good time and your pictures are worth 998 words. :) Love, Dad
