Saturday, February 25, 2012

First Day in Warsaw

Hello, my small group of followers, did you miss me? I am currently writing this from my temporary apartment in Warsaw, Poland. I don't have a key, a phone, all my luggage, much knowledge of Polish, or any idea how to get around. I also don't know much about what's going on with classes or my fellow atlantis students. Right now I'm also feeling tired and jet lagged and not too hot in general. All things considered, though, I have felt worse and I no longer fear it's the end of the world (once my adapter started working and I regained the internet I have felt more connected, which has helped). I don't want anyone back home to worry about me, it's unproductive. I will probably be ok. I just need a better transition to city life in Poland.

I'm staying with a Polish PhD student who is nice enough, but he doesn't speak English very well and mostly keeps to himself. That's ok by me but until I get a key I can't really leave the apartment without him. That should be coming today or tomorrow.

The luggage situation is pretty uncertain, I reported it missing and gave them both my permanent address back home and my temporary address here, as well as my email since I don't have a phone yet. I have no earthly idea when that will be taken care of or how, but I'm hoping something develops soon.

I'm hoping I can convince someone to help me figure out some things tomorrow, but we'll see about that. As of now I just want to lay down and forget about all these problems, so I may do that. Here's to a more optimistic and positive post in the near future!

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