Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ma Olen Tartu! (I am Tartu)

This is an Estonian pop song that was written about the differences between the capital, Tallinn, and the more university-oriented Tartu. We've all been shown this by Estonians and I watched it recently in my Estonian class. At the least it'll help you get a feel for the language. Lyrics in Estonian and English below:

In Estonian:
Me vahel laiub paarsada kilomeetrit
musta lõhnavat asfaltteed
sa oled kivist ja mina olen puust
kuid suuri sõnu kuuleb mõlemate suust
Ma olen Tartu ja sina oled Tallinn
ma olen Tartu
Ma olen Tartu ja sina oled Tallinn
ma olen Tartu
Jah, minu jaoks su linn on tõesti liiga suur
vaid kaugelt vaadata su poole vist ma julgen
ning sinu jaoks mu linn on kitsas nagu puur
nii kumbki meist siis oma linna jäägu
Ma olen Tartu ja sina oled Tallinn
ma olen Tartu
Ma olen Tartu ja sina oled Tallinn
ma olen Tartu
Su linnas pidutseb glamuur, on kõrge lend
ning tähtsaim sõna seal kindlasti on trend
boheemid minu linnas tegutsevad endiselt
siin kõrgelt hinnas kottis kampsun on ja tennised
Ma olen Tartu ja sina oled Tallinn
ma olen Tartu
Ma olen Tartu ja sina oled Tallinn
ma olen Tartu
Su hinge tahaksin küll ära osta ma
igavesti peita selle oma seinakappi
ei vaataks kunagi sa, kus on Tallinna
ning alatiseks jääksid siia mulle appi
Ma olen Tartu ja sina oled Tallinn
ma olen Tartu
Ma olen Tartu ja sina oled Tallinn
ma olen Tartu
In English: 
A few hundred kilometers of
Black smelly asphalt road stretches between us
You're made of stone and I'm made of wood
But big talk is heard from thoughtless mouths
I'm Tartu and you're Tallinn
I'm Tartu
I'm Tartu and you're Tallinn
I'm Tartu
Yeah, for me your city is really too big
But maybe I'll dare to watch you from far away
And for you my city is narrow like a cage
So neither of us have agreed on our city
I'm Tartu and you're Tallinn
I'm Tartu
I'm Tartu and you're Tallinn
I'm Tartu
In your city glamour is feasted on; it's held high
And the most important word there is, of course, "modern"*
The Bohemians in my city still carry on
Here there's a high price for baggy jackets and sneakers
I'm Tartu and you're Tallinn
I'm Tartu
I'm Tartu and you're Tallinn
I'm Tartu
I would like to buy your soul
And hide it in my closet forevermore
Don't you ever look at where Tallinn is
And you may stay here forever to help me
I'm Tartu and you're Tallinn
I'm Tartu
I'm Tartu and you're Tallinn
I'm Tartu

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